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Mar 04, 2022
In Sisterhood
I met Kristy at Marcassie Farm not long after I moved here 11 years ago. I always thought she was a bright spot, and our paths crossed many times in different ways—at Marcassie, Newbold, Findhorn community events. We had mutual friends, and she invited me to her 40th birthday party at Newbold, along with a dozen other women. We danced to music performed by a friend of hers on the grand piano. Then she asked us to witness her dancing, as her birthday gift. She was mesmerizing, totally in the moment, praying in motion, flying with joy, reveling in the sensuality of her body. Twice I attended a birthday party for our friend Margot Henderson with Kristy. One was at a spa in Nairn; I remember swimming laps with her and talking about our partners. She glowed with her new love for Hussain, happily reminding me of being first in love with my husband. More recently, we met for lunch at the Kale Yard. Ten days before Kristy died, we were in a workshop together, learning group facilitation and conflict resolution. Our group of 24, embarked on a year-long training together, grew very close. For me, she brought a spark of joy and a rare authenticity. Her sudden death came as a great shock. The way the community—a variety of communities—came together afterwards, and especially her ceremony at Marcassie were a revelation to me. How one person, by simply living her life and sharing her joy and creativity, can affect so many others! And this continues and will continue long after her death. In a profound sense, none of us will ever be the same. Perhaps, in some esoteric sense, this was her greatest gift. I feel blessed to have known you, Kristy. I thank you for everything you gave so generously to so many. May you continue to fly and dance and smile your wondrous smile!
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